See the results of a 2007 Timbco teardown with over 9,000 hours on the hydraulic pumps after running exclusively on Schaeffer's Hydraulic Fluid.
Have you ever taken a trip on your bike where the pavement surface temperatures were so hot that you could hear the oil boiling? That's what happened to Randy Schall on his 2013 vacation. Check out the rest of the story to see how it affected his engine.
Cheney Lime & Cement was replacing an average of five radiators a year, with each one costing $2,600. After successfully using Schaeffer's Crete Crusher to clean the radiators, Cheney Lime & Cements reports a net savings of nearly $12,000 in the first year (factoring the cost of product and labor).
One Schaeffer saying is, "It's the cost to use, not the cost to buy". This story demonstrates perfectly what that saying means. Click above to read how a simple test can improve your bottom line.