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Tom Magaw<br>Twin Falls, ID

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Tom Magaw<br>Twin Falls, ID

It's Not the Cost to Buy...It's the Cost to Use


Tom Magaw began his career in 1987 with Schaeffer Manufacturing Company. In 1989, he was promoted to Division Manager for Idaho, Utah and Nevada.

Tom has been awarded Schaeffer's highest achievement award in sales, The Marty Schwab Award. He has also been certified as a Certified Lubrication Specialist, CLS, by the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE). There are currently less than 1,300 people worldwide who have done so.
Contact Tom Magaw at (208)324-6430.

Industries Served

Mining, trucking, power companies, municipalities, manufacturing, commercial fleets and agriculture.

Awards & Certifications

Schaeffer Certified Ag Specialist
Schaeffer's Marty Schwab sales award
Certified Lubrication Specialst


Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Member of the Blue Lakes Country Club where Tom has served as President of the Board.

